
The Cost of Exterior House Painting in Denver, Colorado

Having the exterior of your house painted is necessary for several reasons. Mostly an exterior paint job will increase the value of your house, and it also adds to the personality and character of your home. But more than that, paint also helps by being the house’s best primary defense against weather, insects and other damages. Therefore, it is important to have exterior painting as part of any home maintenance plan. 

Protection against weather

Colorado has some pretty harsh weather during the winters and then it can get hot during the summer. Your home needs protection with a good paint job against:

  • Rain
  • Wind
  • Sleet
  • Snow
  • Heat
  • Insects
  • Fire

It also can prevent moisture from seeping into your home, stopping the high cost of mildew and mold damage. 

Exterior painting

All these weather changes can damage an old paint job very quickly. Plus, a good paint job gives your home better “curb appeal” which is independent of the home value and personal appeal. If you are selling your home, curb appeal is important. It is recommended that the exterior of your house be redone about every 5 years. You can contact any of the many painting companies to ask about exterior painting Denver and the cost of a new paint job.

Other damage

A major killer for any wood-based house is damage done by termites. Being able to identify this problem enables the homeowner to address this problem proactively and is crucial as it will save some rather extremely expensive foundational repairs. You can evaluate your home’s siding prior to adding fresh paint to help identify any possible insect damage early and adding the exterior paint itself can stop an infestation dead in its tracks. You can get further information on this by contacting any painting company such as Homestar Painting LLC in Denver. 

Decision on painting

All of this is important in deciding if your home needs a new exterior paint job. Once the decision is made – then you need to find the right company to do this work for you. You can get recommendations from friends, neighbors, or people you work with. And don’t forget to research the companies online before you sign a contract with any one company.